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  • Pomegranate molasses is simply pomegranate juice that's been reduced to a syrup. It's thick, flavorful, and adds wonderful tangy flavor to many types of dishes. It can be used as a glaze, in salad dressings, or drizzled over veggies.

    no added preservatives

    it contains antioxidants, mainly vitamin C, that are beneficial to your immune system. ... Antioxidants help your immune system protect cells against the harmful effects of free radicals.


    1. Stir into your favorite hummus recipe.
    2. Dissolve into drinks like iced tea.
    3. Make homemade sodas by simply stirring it into sparkling water.
    4. Add a tablespoon to your favorite homemade salad dressings or marinades for a touch of sweetness and a ton of depth.
    5. Brush the syrup directly onto chicken, carrots or cauliflower to create a flavorful glaze

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